파트넘버.co.kr DAC1201D125 데이터시트 검색    

DAC1201D125 데이터시트 검색 ( PDF 파일 검색 )

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상세설명 제조사
Dual 12-bit DAC

DAC1201D125 Dual 12-bit DAC, up to 125 Msps Rev. 2 27 January 2012 Product data sheet 1. General description The DAC1201D125 is a dual-port, high-speed, 2-channel CMOS Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC), optimized for high dynamic performance with low power dissipation. Supporting an update rate of up to 125 Msps, the DAC1201D125 is suitable for Direct IF applications. Separate write inputs allow data to be written to the two DAC ports independently of one another. Two separate clocks control
NXP Semiconductors
NXP Semiconductors

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