파트넘버.co.kr DAC081C081 데이터시트 검색    

DAC081C081 데이터시트 검색 ( PDF 파일 검색 )

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12-Bit Micro Power Digital-to-Analog Converter with an I2C-Compatible Interface

DAC121C081, DAC121C085 12-Bit Micro Power Digital-to-Analog Converter with an I2C-Compatible Interface December 20, 2007 DAC121C081, DAC121C085 12-Bit Micro Power Digital-to-Analog Converter with an I2C-Compatible Interface General Description The DAC121C081 is a 12-bit, single channel, voltage-output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that operates from a +2.7V to 5.5V supply. The output amplifier allows rail-to-rail output swing and has an 8.5usec settling time. The DAC121C081 uses the su
National Semiconductor
National Semiconductor

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