파트넘버.co.kr 1W634 쇼핑몰 검색

1W634 전자부품 판매

전자부품 회로 및 기능


Diode ( Rectifier )

American Microsemiconductor
American Microsemiconductor

PDF 다운로드

관련 부품 상세설명


Diode ( Rectifier )

American Microsemiconductor
American Microsemiconductor

datasheet 1W634 pdf


EDI Single-1 to 12 Amperes Commercial Grade Bridges

W EDI Single-1 to 12 Amperes Commercial Grade Bridges PRV, Leg 1W SERIES 1 Amp W SERIES 1.5 Amp 2W SERIES 2 Amp 50V 1W005 W005 2W005 100V 1W1 W1 2W1 200V 1W2 W2 2W2 400V 1W4 W4 2W4 600V 1W6 W6 2W6 800V 1W8 W8 2W8 1000V 1W10 W10 2W10 Electrical Characteristics Average Output Current, IO @ 50

Electronic devices
Electronic devices

datasheet 1W6 pdf

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