파트넘버.co.kr HY-3192 데이터시트 PDF

HY-3192 반도체 회로 부품 판매점


PerkinElmer Optoelectronics 로고
PerkinElmer Optoelectronics
HY-3192 데이터시트, 핀배열, 회로
High Energy Switches
Thyratrons are fast acting high
voltage switches suitable for a
variety of applications including
radar, laser and scientific use.
PerkinElmer’s thyratrons are
constructed of ceramic and
metal for strength and long life.
Over 300 thyratron types are
available from PerkinElmer. The
types listed in this guide are a
cross section of the broad line
available. We encourage
inquiries for thyratrons to suit
your particular application.
Wide operating voltage range
High pulse rate capability
Ceramic-metal construction
High current capability
Long life

HY-3192 데이터시트, 핀배열, 회로
How a Thyratron works
The operation of the device can
be divided into three phases: trig-
gering and commutation (closure),
steady-state conduction, and
recovery (opening), each of which
is discussed below.
Figure 1. Thyratron with auxiliary grid
(heater detail not shown)
The commutation process is sim-
ply modeled as shown in Figure 2.
The time interval between trigger
breakdown of the grid-cathode
region and complete closure of
the thyratron is called the anode
delay time. It is typically 100-200
nanoseconds for most tube types.
During commutation, a high volt-
age spike appears at the grid of
the thyratron. This spike happens
in the time it takes for the plasma
in the grid-anode space to "con-
nect" to the plasma in the grid-
cathode space. During this time,
the anode is momentarily "con-
nected" to the grid thereby caus-
ing the grid to assume a voltage
nearly that of the anode’s.
Although the grid spike voltage is
brief in duration, usually less than
100 nS, it can damage the grid
driver circuit unless measures
are taken to suppress the spike
before it enters the grid driver cir-
cuit. The location of the grid spike
suppression circuit is shown in
Figure 3, Grid Circuit.
Figure 4, Typical Grid Spike
Suppression Circuits, shows the
more common methods used to
protect the grid driver circuit. In
using any of these types of cir-
cuits, care must be exercised to
assure that the Grid Driver Circuit
pulse is not attenuated in an unac-
ceptable manner. The values for
the circuit components are
dependent on the characteristics
of the thyratron being driven, the
Triggering and Commutation
When a suitable positive trigger-
ing pulse of energy is applied to
the grid, a plasma forms in the
grid-cathode region from elec-
trons. This plasma passes through
the apertures of the grid structure
and causes electrical breakdown
in the high-voltage region
between the grid and the anode.
This begins the process of thyra-
tron switching (also called com-
mutation). The plasma that is
formed between the grid and the
anode diffuses back through the
grid into the grid-cathode space.
"Connection" of the plasma in the
anode-grid space with the plasma
in the cathode-grid space com-
pletes the commutation process.
1. Trigger pulse applied
to control grid.
Plasma Front
2. Grid-cathode breakdown.
3. Electrons from grid-cathode
region create a dense plasma
in the grid-anode region. The
plasma front propagates to-
ward the cathode via break-
down of gas.
4. Closure
Figure 2. Thyratron commutation

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제조업체: PerkinElmer Optoelectronics

( perkinelmer )

HY-3192 data

데이터시트 다운로드

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국내 전력반도체 판매점

상호 : 아이지 인터내셔날

전화번호 : 051-319-2877

[ 홈페이지 ]

IGBT, TR 모듈, SCR, 다이오드모듈, 각종 전력 휴즈

( IYXS, Powerex, Toshiba, Fuji, Bussmann, Eaton )

전력반도체 문의 : 010-3582-2743

일반적인 전자부품 판매점





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Thyratrons - PerkinElmer Optoelectronics